Jackson was born on Monday, November 10 at 1:43 p.m. He was 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long. Both he and I are doing fine and we were able to come home from the hospital on Thursday.
Jackson had swallowed some fluid and had to spend about 3 hours in the nursery after his birth for observation. He was able to come to meet me in my room after I had been moved from the recovery area. I was up out of bed 12 hours after my c-section and so far my recovery is going very well. We are adjusting to having a newborn at home and other than less sleep, everything is going very well.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from his first few days:
Nicholas is adjusting well to being a big brother. He's curious about his brother, but for the most part he has gone about his normal business.
Congrats on Jackson. He is beautiful. Glad that the delivery went well and resovering is going well also. I know your oldest son is thrill about having a little brother. congrats and best wishes. Jen Law
Awwww....so precious!!! Congratulations!!!
He is beautiful!!
Everyone looks sooooo happy!!
What a blessing indeed!!
BTW Michelle!! You look fantastic!!!
Yayayayayay! Soooo good to see pictures, and he's just precious Michelle! Congratulations again! I love how cuddly he looks! And you look great too! I hope all is going well and you're healing quickly! ;)
Congratulations! He's beautiful! Thanks for sharing all the sweet photos. Nicolas looks like he likes being a big brother! You looks great, too! Get some rest!
Rae :)
Congratulations! He is gorgeous - such a cutie. Glad to hear everything went well. Angie
He is absolutely precious Michelle!! Congratulations, I'm glad everyone is doing well!! You look great and I can't wait to see more pics :)
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