
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Project 365 - Week 14 3/30/09 - 4/5/09

Monday, March 30
I love our neighborhood. We went on a walk tonight and from the bridge over the lake we caught the sun setting. Sometimes I wish our house was on the lake, but the practical side of me knows it’s just as well we aren’t.

92 - 3/30/09

Tuesday, March 31
Well I have Nicholas smiling now; it’s just a “cheesy” smile. But I still think it is adorable. He is starting to eat off a plate rather than his tray and trying out a fork.

93- 3/31/09

Wednesday, April 1
Nicholas loves his puzzles. He has several of them and he is really great at putting them together. He is learning his colors from them. He is saying so many new words every day; it is amazing to watch him.

94- 04/01/09

Thursday, April 2
Jackson is rolling all over and scooting too. He loves to be on the floor looking around and checking it all out. I think this little boy will not be happy if he is confined.

95 - 04/02/09

Friday, April 3
I finally captured a real smile. It seems like most of our pictures are at the kitchen table. I try to make it home during the week for dinner every night so we can have dinner as a family. Sadly the reality of being a working mom is the majority of the week nights are spent on eating, bathing and getting the boys to bed. After bedtime Mike and I take advantage for some hobby time.

96 - 04/03/09

Saturday, April 4
Jackson has now moved from just rice cereal (which we do not think he is too fond of) onto vegetables, peas to be exact. Surprisingly he ate a whole container of peas on his first try, he even seemed to like them until the very end when he gave a heeby-jeeby shake and made a face with each bite.

97 - 04//04/09

Sunday, April 5
I love my goofy little boy! Nicholas is so busy; he just plays all day long. Nana R came to visit this afternoon and brought the boys a cute cookie jar.

98 - 04/05/09

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